About IPC

The IPC, established in 1980, is a consortium of public school districts, community colleges and county offices of education located in Riverside and San Bernardino counties.

The purpose of the IPC is to make available expert legal advice, as well as coordinated services, assistance, and information to help participating IPC members better meet and respond to needs, problems, and issues in areas involving labor relations and school law.

Participating IPC members are governed by a Joint Powers Agreement, which is administered jointly by the offices of the San Bernardino and Riverside County Superintendents of Schools, and maintained by the law firm of Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo. The two executive officers of the IPC are Dr. Edwin Gomez, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools and Mr. Ted Alejandre, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools. An advisory committee meets on a regular basis to provide advice to the Council on all of the services IPC provides to member districts.


Office:  (951) 683-1122     |     Website:  http://www.ipclaw.org
  • No Announcement exists.

IPC HR 101 - Certificated Employee Discipline 2024

Join us for an informative session on "Certificated Employee Discipline." In this event, we will delve into the essential aspects of managing employee discipline within the certificated workforce. You'll gain insights into Progressive Discipline, explore the various disciplinary documents used, and understand the intricacies of the dismissal process for certificated employees.

Our seasoned experts will be your guides, sharing their extensive knowledge on this critical subject. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of certificated employee discipline. Register now!


Date : December 13, 2024
Place :
Riverside Conference Center
4280 Brockton Ave, Riverside CA 92501

HR 101- Classified Employee Discipline

This session aims to acquaint participants with the fundamental concepts of Classified Employee Discipline. Key topics to be covered include: understanding contract language pertaining to Progressive Discipline, familiarizing oneself with the various disciplinary steps typically involved, and learning about the procedures and essential documents required for the effective discipline of classified employees, extending up to and encompassing the dismissal process. The presentation will be delivered by our knowledgeable attorneys.

Date : January 10, 2025
Place :
RCOE Conference Center
4280 Brockton Ave,

Riverside, California 92501