About IPC

The IPC, established in 1980, is a consortium of public school districts, community colleges and county offices of education located in Riverside and San Bernardino counties.

The purpose of the IPC is to make available expert legal advice, as well as coordinated services, assistance, and information to help participating IPC members better meet and respond to needs, problems, and issues in areas involving labor relations and school law.

Participating IPC members are governed by a Joint Powers Agreement, which is administered jointly by the offices of the San Bernardino and Riverside County Superintendents of Schools, and maintained by the law firm of Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo. The two executive officers of the IPC are Dr. Edwin Gomez, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools and Mr. Ted Alejandre, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools. An advisory committee meets on a regular basis to provide advice to the Council on all of the services IPC provides to member districts.


Office:  (951) 683-1122     |     Website:  http://www.ipclaw.org
  • Upcoming Events

    Friday, February 7, 2025
    HR 101 Workshop Complaints
    RCOE Conf. Center

    Friday, February 28, 2025
    HR 101 Workshop Grievances 
    SBCSS Dorthy Inghram Learning Center


IPC HR 101 - Responding to Complaints

The response of a district official to a complaint is not only a legal obligation but also a reflection of the district's public image concerning programs, practices, policies, and responsiveness to both the public and district employees. The HR division of a school district handles a range of complaints, encompassing but not limited to those related to district employees, discrimination, and sexual harassment or hostile workplace situations. Join us for a comprehensive session that will delve into the proper steps for effectively processing these various complaints.

Date : February 07, 2025
Place :
RCOE Board Room 
3939 13th St, Riverside, CA 92501

HR-101 Grievances Workshop


Alleged violations of the contract are always most interesting situations.  Classified and Certificated employees alike challenge the talents of your Administrative Team when they believe their respective contracts have not been managed appropriately.  Usually the full story is somewhere in the middle of all the details you receive.  You may, or may not, ever know exactly what happened - but you do get to sort it all out!  This session addresses the importance of properly processing and responding to grievances.  These seemingly mundane challenges to management actions can ultimately lead to costly litigation in the form of binding arbitration if not properly handled.


Date : February 28, 2025
Place :

Dorothy Inghram Learning Center, 
Room E

670 E. Carnegie Drive,
San Bernardino, CA 92408