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HR 101- Classified Employee Discipline Register Event...
This session aims to acquaint participants with the fundamental concepts of Classified Employee Discipline. Key topics to be covered include: understanding contract language pertaining to Progressive Discipline, familiarizing oneself with the various disciplinary steps typically involved, and learning about the procedures and essential documents required for the effective discipline of classified employees, extending up to and encompassing the dismissal process. The presentation will be delivered by our knowledgeable attorneys.
Conference Location
4280 Brockton Ave,
Riverside, California 92501
Event Schedule
7:45 AM - 8:15 AM: Continental Breakfast
8:15 AM - 10:00 AM: Presentation
This session aims to acquaint participants with the fundamental concepts of Classified Employee Discipline. Key topics to be covered include: understanding contract language pertaining to Progressive Discipline, familiarizing oneself with the various disciplinary steps typically involved, and learning about the procedures and essential documents required for the effective discipline of classified employees, extending up to and encompassing the dismissal process. The presentation will be delivered by our knowledgeable attorneys.
The workshop and Continental Breakfast come at no cost. IPC District Members are encouraged to bring as many participants as they wish, all free of charge.
Non-Members: $80 for the first 5 attendees, $100 thereafter